‘Tis The Season For a Revitalized Youthful Appearance

October 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — devonshiredental @ 4:18 pm

friends celebrating the holidays togetherThe holidays are all about gathering with your family and friends and being appreciative of the time you have together. The problem is, it’s hard to feel joyous and excited when you think everyone will be focusing on your worn-down and creased facial skin while you’re holding conversations with them. Instead of letting your appearance ruin your holiday cheer, get a splash of your youthfulness back with BOTOX® in Downtown Boston. Learn how you can use your dentist as your personal fountain of youth.

What is BOTOX?

BOTOX is made from bacteria called botulinum toxin, which acts to freeze muscles in the face to keep them from over exerting themselves. Dentists also offer dermal fillers, which inject collagen into areas that have lost their volume and plumpness. In the United States in 2017, over 1.5 million BOTOX injections were administered, making it the most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedure in the nation. Today, people across all walks of life are choosing to improve their appearance, and the number of men receiving the treatment is on the rise.

The procedure is fast and easy, typically taking anywhere from five to 10 minutes per injection. The bacteria is diluted in a saline solution and injected into major muscles in the face to help patients who are unhappy with the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and creases, feel confident again.

What Problems Can BOTOX Fix?

Many patients are surprised to learn that BOTOX doesn’t just solve cosmetic issues, it also has been proven to be a great treatment for a variety of chronic illnesses such as migraines. Typically, this service is best for patients who are in their late 20s or over, looking to improve:

  • Crow’s feet, or a branching cluster of wrinkles underneath the corner of the eye.
  • Aging lines between the eyebrows.
  • Horizontal lines on the forehead.
  • Crossed eyes, a treatment approved by the FDA in 1989.

For people who are self-conscious of their droopy or aging skin, BOTOX is a cost-effective and great solution to revitalize their appearance and boost their self-confidence.

What Are The Benefits of Getting BOTOX and Dermal Fillers?

BOTOX and dermal filler treatments compliment each other, which is why they’re often administered together for patients who would like to smooth and lift their skin. Without any scalpels or surgeries involved, these services are often referred to as a “lunchtime facelift.” Some benefits that patients can enjoy from getting BOTOX and dermal fillers include:

  • Near Immediate Results- Most BOTOX and dermal filler treatments can be completed in about a half-hour and will begin to show improvements in about three days.
  • Subtle Effects- Some patients are worried about looking like they’ve had “work done.” With BOTOX and dermal fillers, the effects are subtle and delicate, revealing a youthful appearance by taming overworked muscles.
  • Lasting Results- Typically, the results will last anywhere between four and six months. However, the first treatment will usually fade faster than the following ones.
  • Easing Chronic Pain- The FDA has approved BOTOX for therapeutic treatments for several medical and chronic conditions, providing relief from discomfort.

The holidays are about celebration, being grateful, and enjoying yourself. Instead of being embarrassed or self-conscious of your appearance, visit a dentist in Downtown Boston for BOTOX and dermal filler treatments. With a rejuvenated look and newfound confidence, you can enjoy the season to its fullest.

About the Author

Dr. Christa Rizkallah has completed years of advanced training, intimately studying the structure of the face and mouth. She has taken courses on administering BOTOX and dermal fillers, allowing her to erase signs of aging in a single visit. She is passionate about easing her patient’s self-doubt in their appearance by providing custom-tailored cosmetic treatment plans. For questions or to schedule a consultation to learn how BOTOX and dermal fillers can diminish facial signs of aging, visit Devonshire Dental Associates’ website or call 617-350-7474.


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