How Dental Crowns Have Evolved Over Time

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — devonshiredental @ 1:06 pm
Close-up of four dental crowns lying on their side

You’re probably well aware that your dentist can use dental crowns to repair and protect any teeth that are damaged, weakened, or badly decayed. But have you ever considered the history behind this treatment? Dental crowns have come more of a long way than you might think; it took quite a while for them to become what they are today. Below is a brief look at the evolution of dental crowns that can help give you a better appreciation for this time-tested treatment.

The First Dental Crowns

The first recorded instance of dental crowns in history is from the Etruscan civilization between the years 166 and 201 AD. However, instead of being used to correct dental damage, these crowns – which were made out of gold – were more of a status symbol. Rich Etruscans (largely women) would have their natural teeth removed to replace them with gold restorations. So while today’s crowns are placed to improve oral health, the first crowns were only used for aesthetic reasons.

The Rise of Dentistry and Dental Crowns

Dentistry started to become more widespread in Europe during the Middle Ages. Dental treatments were handled by barber-surgeons at this time, and they were able to offer a number of procedures that dentists still provide today, including tooth extractions.

Dental care continued to advance over the years. Eventually, in 1575, Ambrose Pare published his Complete Works, which covered a wide number of dental topics. In particular, it included information on treating tooth decay with dental crowns, thus encouraging the practice to spread.

The First Steps Toward Modern Dental Crowns

Dental crowns started taking their first major strides forward in the late 1800s. Dr. Charles H. Land invented a type of restoration known as a “jacket” crown, which could be used to completely cover a damaged tooth, making it look as though it was never injured in the first place. The main drawback of these crowns is that microscopic cracks would form over time.

The 20th century saw the rise of porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, which combined the durability of metal with porcelain that could blend in with natural teeth. Eventually, in 1984, crowns made out of ceramics and glass were created; they quickly became popular due to their physical properties as well as their appearance.

Dental Crowns Today

Modern dental crowns are viewed as a highly versatile dental treatment that can be used to restore the shape and strength of a damaged tooth. They can be made out of all kinds of materials depending on the needs and preferences of the patient. Every crown is fully personalized in order to provide the perfect fit for the tooth in question.

Do you think that you might need a dental crown to fix the problems that have appeared in your own smile? Talk to your dentist today to see if this treatment could be the key to getting your oral health back on track!

About the Practice

At Devonshire Dental of Boston, our team includes multiple compassionate and highly qualified dental experts. We provide comprehensive dental care while also putting your comfort first. If you have a cracked or decayed tooth, we may be able to repair it with a dental crown. To schedule a consultation at Devonshire Dental of Boston, visit our website or call (617) 350-7474.

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